Introduction to Watercolor: Workshop with Gary Duquette – September 24, 2023

Take a deep dive into the world of watercolor with this comprehensive course covering the basic components of watercolor painting. The curriculum begins with an explanation of all materials needed to complete the process and continues on with multiple activities covering technique, transparencies, color, washes, brush strokes, and more. Students will be provided with a printed guidebook written by Gary and all equipment needed for the course. Students will create a painting they can proudly display in their home or gift to a loved one.

This workshop is taught by Gary Duquette and takes place at Rusted Jade Art Collective in Brooksville, FL, on September 24, 2023. The class is from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. We want to keep an intimate classroom setting so there will only be 8 seats per class.

This course is designed for those with a desire to learn watercolor painting techniques with instruction that is suitable for all interested in understanding the process– from beginning to intermediate levels! Pick up your brush and join us for easy-to-follow instructions that will leave you feeling confident moving forward in your art journey.

Part two of this course will be taught on October 22, 2023, for continuing education in the world of watercolor. Tickets will go on sale for this follow-up lesson in the next few weeks. Purchase your ticket at this link.

Timeline of the Day

— Hellos + Introductions
Please note that class will begin promptly at the listed start time. Feel free to arrive before class to check out the gallery, meet the owners Maxine & Lenny, and mingle with other attendees!

— Course instruction begins
Gary will begin reviewing the curriculum with the group. We will begin with reviewing all equipment and soon after heading into the basics of composition, texture, color, and more.

— Group painting begins
During this time, students will work on a simple watercolor still that uses all of the taught techniques.

— Structured class ends
The structured class ends at the listed end time, but feel free to stay at the gallery to shop and mingle! Gary will be available for additional instruction for those who wish to stay and ask questions.

Questions & Comments

Please email for more information.

A huge thank you to the Rusted Jade Art Collective for hosting this event. This event is organized by Allisa Babor at Roots Creative Co.